
Pokemon Card Openings - Another way to catch 'em all!

We love watching Pokemon card openings!

So it's 2020 and Pokemon card opening channels is definitely a thing! There are hundreds of social media accounts and channels dedicated to the practice, and we think that's great. For most of us it's the best way to sight some extremely rare cards without spending thousands of Rands. Some might even consider it therapeutic. Ok, maybe that's a stretch to far but it certainly is pleasing. 

Pokemon card openings can be found on Youtube, Instagram and Twitter, and there are literally hundreds of channels to choose from.

With a lot of good and not so good Pokemon card opening channels out there, we thought that we would share two of our top picks with you.

They are of course, none other than Leon Hart and Unlisted Leaf, who collectively have more than 2.5 million subscribers on Youtube, and are proof that Pokemon Cards are more popular than ever! It's incredible watching these guys open up ludicrous amounts of booster packs, theme decks, elite trainer boxes and limited edition merchandise. 

We highly recommend that you check these guys out! But hey, don't take our word for it, If you enjoy watching card openings or are interested in learning more about Pokemon cards, be sure to click the links and check them out. Why not give them a thumbs up and subscribe to their channels while you're at it. 


Leon Hart Pokemon Card Openings 

